Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rafter Bevel Angles for WorldSkills Carpentry Competition

The American's don't send any apprentice carpenters to the WorldSkills Carpentry Competition, So I added a new android app on Google Play. 

SkillsUSA will only compete in those WorldSkills Competition contests for which it has a well-qualified competitor, a well-qualified technical expert, adequate industry support for advanced training and general operating costs of the SkillsUSA World Team contestant prior to the WorldSkills Competition.

In order to have an well-qualified competitor we need qualified technical experts as well.

The Canadian's send apprentice carpenters to the WorldSkills Carpentry Competition, so why can't SkillsUSA send a qualified competitor? Because we don't have any qualified technical experts.

This android app will not send a apprentice to the WorldSkills Carpentry Competition, but it's a step in the right direction for WorldSkills Carpentry Competition training.

See this list of Traditional Layout books for reference.
Traditional Roof Framing Geometry Layout out Books

Rafter Bevel Angles v 1.0

Buy Rafter Bevel Angles for Android on Google Play Android app on Google Play

This android rafter calculator app is for the WorldSkills Carpentry Competition training. With this app the carpenter can verify their geometric layout method while using the traditional layout geometry. It has seat lip cut angles at the hip rafter for all of different types of rotated rafters as well as Hexenschnitt Gratsparren. Coupe de pied de noue, avec dévers inegaux.

All bevel angles are referenced from the traditional layout method used by the French and Germans carpenters. Use with the French Rabattement de Surface method (folding) or the German Flachenklappung method. Basiswissen Schiften or Charpente Les Traces. 

Jack Rafter Plumb To Earth Bevel Angles.
Jack Rafter Plumb To Earth Offset Bevel Angles.
Jack Rafter Plumb To Roof Surface Offset Bevel Angles.
Rafter Plumb To Earth Offset Bevel Angles.
Crossing Jack Rafters Plumb To Roof Surface Bevel Angles.
Saint Andre Cross Rafters Plumb To Roof Surface Bevel Angles.
Purlin Rafter Plumb To Roof Surface Bevel Angles
Witches Cut on Hip Rafter with Square Tail Rafters
Hip Rafter Edge Bevel Angles, Backing Angles
Devers De Pas for Jack Rafters Plumb To Roof Surface

WorldSkills Carpentry Competition

A challenging wood construction, mostly a roof timber model, shall be built for the Competition. The competitor shall independently solve the following tasks in the prescribed time of 22 working hours:

 Elevation, development and assembly of a roof construction
 Development of angle and valley rafters on polygonal, rectangular or square ground plans with even and uneven roof slopes
 Construction of tower roofs including adjustment to the general roof construction

The following working techniques for the solution of a task could be possible:
 Elevation of a roof construction in ground plan and profile
 Developing a construction in which each piece of wood can be found in its true shape.
 Determining all measurements, dimensions, lengths, cuts, angles and bevels required to perform the work.
 Drawing and transferring of real lengths and cuts to the pieces of wood (scribing).
 Processing the work pieces (assembly).
 Mounting and fixing all wooden parts of the structure (erection).

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